Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Honker's Ale !!!

Hey Everyone, Its mid week and probably about now that were all wishing for the weekend, well why not have a midweek beer to help bring the weekend a little closer. Today's review is from the Goose Island Brewery, Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Honker's Ale Brewery: Goose...
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Saturday, 23 February 2013

Stout: The Origins and Beyond !!!

Hey Everyone, it's Saturday and I thought I would do a post similar to last week but looking at a different style of beer. So I will give a little bit of history behind a beer style and then give a comparison between two beers in that style. So the beer style that I have decided to look at today is: Stout There are many different varieties...
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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Southern Tier 2 x IPA !!!

Hey Everyone, Today's beer review is from the Southern Tier Brewing Company. Hope you all enjoy !!! Also looking to read some other beer reviews why not check out The Beers page !!! Beer Name: 2 x IPA Brewery: Southern Tier Brewing Company Brewed and Bottled: Southern...
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Saturday, 16 February 2013

IPA: The Origins and Beyond !!!!

Hey Everyone, it's Saturday and the long awaited weekend has arrived. Today I thought I would do something a little different and give a little bit of history behind my favourite beer style and then give a comparison between two beers in that style, one exceptional one and one that I didn't enjoy as much. So the beer style that I have decided...
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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout !!!!

Hey Everyone, Hope your having a great week so far. Today's beer review is from the Brooklyn Brewing Company. Hope you all enjoy !!! Also looking to read some other beer reviews why not check out The Beers page !!! Beer Name: Black Chocolate Stout Brewery: The Brooklyn...
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Saturday, 9 February 2013

Anchor's Liberty Ale !!!

Hey Everyone, The weekend is here and it's time to sit back, relax and enjoy. Today's beer review is from the Anchor Brewing Company. Hope you all enjoy !!! Also looking to read some other beer reviews why not check out The Beers page !!! Beer Name: Liberty Ale Brewery: The...
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Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Brooklyn Brown Ale !!!

Hey Everyone, Here is tonight's beer review, Today we are back at the Brooklyn Brewing Company. Enjoy !!! Also looking to read some other beer reviews why not check out The Beers page !!! Beer Name: Brooklyn Brown Ale Brewery: The Brooklyn Brewing Company Brewed and...
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Saturday, 2 February 2013

Fuller's London Black Cab Stout !!!

Hey Everyone, It's Saturday and the long awaited weekend is here, so this means the relaxing can begin and the beer can flow. Today's beer is from London, United Kingdom, Hope you all enjoy :)  Also looking to read some other beer reviews why not check out The Beers page !!! Beer...
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