Thursday, 31 January 2013

Brooklyn Summer Ale !!!

Hey Everyone, It's nearly Friday, which also means its nearly the weekend, I think this is a cause for celebration. Why not celebrate with a few bottles of today's beer on review, Hope you all enjoy :) !!! Beer Name: Brooklyn Summer Ale Brewery: The Brooklyn Brewing Company Brewed...
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Sunday, 27 January 2013

Southern Tier IPA !!!

Hey Everyone, Hope you all had a great Australia Day and had a load of great beer, would love to hear about it, share your experiences of the day (use the comments box below), Today's beer comes from good old New York, Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Southern Tier IPA Brewery: Southern...
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Saturday, 26 January 2013

Sunburnt Irish Red - Happy Australia Day !!!

Hey Everyone, Happy Australia Day, I didn't have a chance to go and grab a great Australian Beer for today (to which there are a few), however today's beer review is a great beer and one that you can enjoy all the same on Australia Day, Hope you Enjoy !!! Beer Name: Sunburnt...
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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Crew Pale Ale !!!

Hey Everyone, Apologies for no posting in the last couple of day's its been mad busy, but were back. Tonight's review is from the Crew Alewerkstatt, Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Crew Pale Ale Brewery: Crew AleWerkstatt Brewed and Bottled: Fraunhoferstraße 9, 80469, München, Germany Alcoholic...
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Saturday, 19 January 2013

East India Pale Ale !!!

Hey Everyone, its's Saturday, the weather may be cold but why not stay indoors in the warm and crack open a few great beers among friends, today's review is from New York, Hope you all enjoy !!!! Beer Name: East India Pale Ale Brewery: The Brooklyn Brewery Brewed and Bottled: The Brooklyn...
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Friday, 18 January 2013

Bigfoot Ale (Barley Wine Style) !!!

Hey Everyone, so today's beer comes all the way from the USA and the Sierra Nevada Brewery, Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Bigfoot Ale (Barley Wine Style) Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewed and Bottled: Sierra Nevada,  Chico,  CA,  USA Alcoholic Percentage: 9.6% Vol Measure: 355ml Taste: Strong...
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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Dogma !!!

Hey Everyone, So today's beer review comes from the familiar brewery of BrewDog, I think they are an exciting brewery with a huge range to offer, so I hope you enjoy today's post : ) !!! Beer Name: Dogma Brewery: BrewDog Brewed and Bottled: BrewDog,  Fraserburgh,   AB43 8UE, Scotland Alcoholic...
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Sunday, 13 January 2013

Affligem Blonde !!!

Hey Everyone, Apologies for no post yesterday I was having a dinner party with @e_boyler and @BoyleMeetsWorld, thank you guys was a really nice evening. The Beer on review tonight is actually one that was brought to the dinner party last night, Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Affligem...
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