Sunday, 10 November 2013

An Absolut Success !!!

Wednesday 30th of October at the Mabos Art Space in Hanover Quay, Dublin, saw the launch of Absolut Originality.  Absoult Originality is an exhibition combining four different disciplines into one exceptional piece. The idea behind this was to use this creativity from four different discipline areas and combine them to create a stunning,...
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Sunday, 27 October 2013

The 12 Beers of Christmas !!!

Christmas is fast approaching and with it the winter months, this for me is my favourite time of year when it comes to drinking beer. The winter months bring such a wide variety of beers that help to make you feel warm when its cold outside. For me Porters, Stouts and imperial stouts are true favourites when it comes to the winter, but...
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Sunday, 1 September 2013

Places You Must Visit - Feature Post : Bull & Castle

Hey everyone. Today's post is the start of a new collection of posts that will be a regular feature of The Genuine Beer Blog; looking at great pubs, bars & restaurants that serve high quality beer and great food, throughout Ireland. Today's post kick starting this new feature is a fantastic Pub/Restaurant set in the heart of Dublin;...
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Sunday, 25 August 2013

Widmer Brothers Brewing Company - Hopside Down IPA !!!

Hey Everyone,  Sorry it's been a while things have been crazy busy recently; but we're back.  Today's beer review is a must try beer, one that you should go out and get ASAP as you really won't regret it. Today's beer is from Portland, Oregon, United States of America; hope you all enjoy :D Beer Name: Hopside Down IPA -...
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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Kinsale Brings a Brand New Craft Brewery to Town :D

Hey everyone, today's post is a really exciting review of a brand new Craft Brewery from Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland. Hope you all Enjoy :D The Blacks Kinsale Craft Brewery From Humble beginnings comes a fantastic new brewing company down in Kinsale Co. Cork. Like most of us avid beer drinkers and brewers there is always a dream to produce...
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Sunday, 12 May 2013

Odell Brewing Company: IPA !!!

Hey Everyone, Hope you've all been enjoying some fantastic beers over the weekend in the sun, Today's beer comes in from the USA, I hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: IPA Brewery: Odell Brewing Company Brewed and Bottled: 800 East Lincoln Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado, CO...
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Sunday, 28 April 2013

Arrogant Bastard Ale !!!

Hey Everyone, hope your all having a great weekend so far, today's post is an exceptional beer, one that I wish I could get my hands on more of, Today's Beer is from the Stone Brewing Company. Hope you all enjoy :) !!! Beer Name: Arrogant Bastard Ale Brewery: Stone Brewing...
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Sunday, 14 April 2013

Las Vegas: Nic's Stag Do - A Trip of a Lifetime !!!!

Hey Everyone, We are back, its a been a hectic last couple of months, but within the time away I went on a trip, A trip that can be summed up in one word "EPIC".  This was no ordinary trip away, this was a trip with  6 of my closest friends, to somewhere that needs no introduction as it just speaks for itself, LAS VEGAS.  This...
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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Honker's Ale !!!

Hey Everyone, Its mid week and probably about now that were all wishing for the weekend, well why not have a midweek beer to help bring the weekend a little closer. Today's review is from the Goose Island Brewery, Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Honker's Ale Brewery: Goose...
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