Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year: Celebration Stout !!!

Hey Everyone, So the New Year countdown begins and it only seems fitting that a special beer be on show today, so today we are in Dublin, Ireland, the place I will be celebrating New Year, so I hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Celebration Stout Brewery: The Porterhouse Brewed and Bottled: The Porterhouse...
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Saturday, 29 December 2012

Raging Bitch IPA !!!

Hey Everyone, Today's beer is all the way from the USA and the Flying Dog Brewery. I would also love it if you would all share your Christmas Experiences here. Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Raging Bitch IPA Brewery: Flying Dog Brewery Brewed and Bottled: Flying Dog Brewery Frederick Maryland, USA Alcoholic...
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Friday, 28 December 2012

Belfast Ale

Hey Everyone, Now Christmas has passed it's time to look forward to the New Year, 2013 is on it way and why not bring in the New Year with some great beer. Today's beer is from Northern Ireland, Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer Name: Belfast Ale Brewery: Whitewater Brewery Brewed and Bottled: 40 Tullyframe...
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Thursday, 27 December 2012

My Christmas Experience !!!!

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and hope Santa was good to you all. I am really interested how people all over the world spent their Christmas day, So today's post is my experience of Christmas Day and I would love to hear from you all as to how you spent yours. I hope you all enjoy and get involved sharing your experiences...
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Tuesday, 25 December 2012


Hey Everyone, I wanted to thank you all for viewing the blog over the first couple of months that we have been here, your support is really appreciated. I hope that you will all continue to come back to the Genuine Beer Blog in the new year and watch the blog grow from strength to strength with all of your input. Thank You again everyone,...
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Saturday, 22 December 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Beer 2011 !!!

Hey Everyone, Sorry there hasn't been a blog post for the last couple of days, have been mad busy on the run up to Christmas, tonight we are back with the 12 Beers of Christmas, Hope you enjoy !!!!  Beer Name: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2011 Brewery: Anchor Brewery Brewed and Bottled: Anchor...
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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Seriously Bad Elf !!!

Hey Everyone, Today we have the next beer in line in the 12 beers of Christmas countdown. This Beer is an absolute cracker so I hope you enjoy !!! Beer Name: Seriously Bad Elf Brewery: Ridgeway Brewing Brewed and Bottled: 6 Chapel Close South Stoke, RG8 0JW United Kingdom Alcoholic Percentage: 9.0%...
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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

London Porter

Hey Everyone, Today we are back to the 12 beers of Christmas, If you didnt manage to check out last nights post check it out here this post offers a great Christmas gift suggestion. The beer in question today isn't technically a Christmas / Seasonal beer, however it fits perfectly into the criteria for me. Hope you all enjoy !!! Beer...
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Monday, 17 December 2012

The Christmas Countdown: Yorkshire Ale - Gift Idea #2 !!!

Hey Everyone, So today its back to the Christmas Countdown, Christmas is nearly upon us and you may still have a few little gifts that you want to get for a Beer Lover out there. I want to introduce you all to a great site and great company, Yorkshire Ales. If you are looking for a company that puts huge amounts of passion into their...
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